Here you can find all the Rule sets combinations for an Achievement creation POST via API. The Achievement has to have at least 1 rule sets with an actions that is award this achievement.

This page is for reference only to display all the possible rules combinations.

You can not create an achievement only with rules parameters. All other POST body parameters that are required for an achievement creation must exist.

You can find the rest of the POST body parameters needed to create an achievement here

Resource URL:


Request headers

Your unique API keyYes

Request URL parameters

StringYesThis is the space name which is linked to the account

Post body ruleSets parameter


Array [Object]


A list of RuleSetsTypeRequiredDescription
IntegerYesA value to display the rules in order
StringYesWhat model it belongs to for example contest or achievement

Only Required when "Custom points" action is selected in a contest creation


Only Required when "Custom points" action is selected in a contest creation


Displays the rule set. 

Available actions
Award this achievement
	"action": "member.achievement"

Array [Object]


MainConditionSet model.




  • All
  • Any
YesWhether the rules must all evaluate as True or False or at least one of the rules must be True or False to satisfy the rule
BooleanYesThe value the rule(s) must evaluate to for the rule to be satisfied

Array [Object]


MainRule model.


Displays the facts of the rule. 

Available fact
The count of events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "event.count"

The average source value for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "avg.event.source.value"

The sum of all the source values for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "sum.event.source.value"

The largest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "max.event.source.value"

The smallest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "min.event.source.value"

The average points for all matching events
	"fact": "avg.event.points.value"

The sum of all the points for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "sum.event.points.value"

The largest point value for all matching events
	"fact": "max.event.points.value"

The smallest point in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event
	"fact": "min.event.points.value"

Part of the rule which operates the fact ex. is, more than, less than etc.

Available operator
For "The count of events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The average source value for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The sum of all the source values for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The largest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The smallest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The average points for all matching events"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The sum of all the points for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The largest point value for all matching events"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The smallest point in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

A rules value that defines the fact ex. if the fact is "the action" then the constant is "win". All constants are variables.

Array [Object]Optional

subConditionSet model. Works the same as Main condition set model.

Continue below


Array [Object]


subConditionSet model.TypeRequiredDescription


  • All
  • Any
YesWhether the rules must all evaluate as True or False or at least one of the rules must be True or False to satisfy the rule
BooleanYesThe value the rule(s) must evaluate to for the rule to be satisfied

Array [Object]


SubRule model





Valid rules facts, ex. the action, the product, the sum of events etc.

Available fact For "The count of events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The average source value for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The sum of all the source values for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The largest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The smallest source value in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The average points for all matching events"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The sum of all the points for events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The largest point value for all matching events"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"
Available fact For "The smallest point in events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event"
The external event reference id
	"fact": ""

The action is example is BET, WIN and so on
	"fact": "event.action.type"

The product or the games
	"fact": ""

The event source value
	"fact": "event.source.value"

The event points value
	"fact": "event.points.value"

The event transaction timeStamp in minutes
	"fact": "event.transaction.timeStamp"

Part of the rule which operates the fact ex. is, more than, less than etc.

Available operators
For "The external event reference id"
	"operator": "=="

For "The action"
	"operator": "=="

For "The product"
	"operator": "=="

For "The event source value"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	is equal to
	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The event points value"
	is equal to or more than
	"operator": ">="

	is more than
	"operator": ">"

	is equal to
	operator": "=="

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

	is less than
	operator": "<"

For "The event transaction timeStamp in minutes"
	is less than
	operator": "<"

	is less than or equal to
	operator": "<="

A rules value that defines the fact ex. if the fact is "the action" then the constant is "win"


Json ruleSets example
		"ruleSets": [
                "jsonClass": "RuleSet",
                "priority": 1,
                "scope": "achievement",
                "action": "member.achievement",
                "conditions": [
                        "jsonClass": "MainConditionSet",
                        "matchCondition": "All",
                        "mustEvaluateTo": true,
                        "rules": [
                                "jsonClass": "MainRule",
                                "fact": "event.count",
                                "operator": ">=",
                                "constant": "5",
                                "subConditions": [
                                        "jsonClass": "SubConditionSet",
                                        "matchCondition": "All",
                                        "mustEvaluateTo": true,
                                        "subRules": [
                                                "jsonClass": "SubRule",
                                                "fact": "event.action.type",
                                                "operator": "==",
                                                "constant": "bet"
Request for a complete achievement creation
--header "X-API-KEY: <your-api-key>"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--request POST<your-space-name>/achievements
-d '{ "rewards": [],"achievement": { "jsonClass": "Achievement","name": "test3","description": "","initialState": 0,"icon": "IOOrTGgBJK8hOXbLqdcV","ruleSets": [{"jsonClass": "RuleSet","priority": 1,"scope": "achievement","action": "member.achievement","conditions": [{"jsonClass": "MainConditionSet","matchCondition": "All","mustEvaluateTo": true,"rules": [{"jsonClass": "MainRule","fact": "event.count","operator": ">=","constant": "5","id": "GOZjIW0BzPEHrdkQtkCd","subConditions": [{"jsonClass": "SubConditionSet","matchCondition": "All","mustEvaluateTo": true,"subRules": [{"jsonClass": "SubRule","fact": "","operator": "==", "constant": "bet"}]}]}]}]}],"deprecated": false,"dependantOn": [],"minimumShouldMatch": 0,"scheduling": {"scheduleType": "Once","every": [],"startDate": "2019-09-11T17:33:00.000+00:00","onlyAggregateOnActiveDays": false},"achievementLiveStatus": "Live", "category": [], "memberGroups": [], "metadata": [], "translations": {}, "translatableFields": [ "name", "description"]}}'
Response of a complete achievement creation
    "data": {
        "jsonClass": "Achievement",
        "name": "Test",
        "accountId": "0sn4DmUBkPH_lz9GgxBM",
        "description": "",
        "initialState": 0,
        "icon": "RIaekmsBbFCgxOIxCpQv",
        "ruleSets": [
                "jsonClass": "RuleSet",
                "priority": 1,
                "scope": "achievement",
                "action": "member.achievement",
                "conditions": [
                        "jsonClass": "MainConditionSet",
                        "matchCondition": "All",
                        "mustEvaluateTo": true,
                        "rules": [
                                "jsonClass": "MainRule",
                                "fact": "event.count",
                                "operator": ">=",
                                "constant": "5",
                                "subConditions": [
                                        "jsonClass": "SubConditionSet",
                                        "matchCondition": "All",
                                        "mustEvaluateTo": true,
                                        "subRules": [
                                                "jsonClass": "SubRule",
                                                "fact": "event.action.type",
                                                "operator": "==",
                                                "constant": "bet"
        "deprecated": false,
        "dependantOn": [],
        "minimumShouldMatch": 0,
        "scheduling": {
            "scheduleType": "Once",
            "scheduleOccurrencesLimit": 1,
            "every": [],
            "startDate": "2019-10-31T09:34:00.000+0000",
            "onlyAggregateOnActiveDays": false
        "achievementLiveStatus": "Live",
        "category": [],
        "memberGroups": [],
        "metadata": [],
        "created": "2019-10-31T09:35:02.773+0000",
        "id": "4vorIW4ByrynV-OgGNp1",
        "translations": {},
        "translatableFields": [